Be on the Street

Be on the Street

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The play “YEH BHI TOH HAI BHAI MEDIA” deals with the mass media and its various forms like newspapers, television, internet, etc..
It shows how news channels exaggerate news and thus promote violence in young adults. It also shows how women are portrayed as commodities in such advertisements. The play also deals with the fact, about how media (news reporters) interferes in the private lives of people.Partially the viewership patterns are also blamed in the sense that “jo bikta hai,vo dikhta hai”.
Then the play moves on to the positive side of media, showing trial by media (in cases like Jessica Lall and Priyadarshini Mattoo), importance of internet,importance of newspapers and the mass of audience it reaches. Here,it is also shown that how at the threshold of 21st century; it is the Indian movies which has kept up the spirit of patriotism and how Indians residing abroad also feel and maintain a connection with the country due to media. The play also highlights the various initiatives and movements like the jaago re campaign, the bell bajao campaign, Hindustan times’ BE THE CHANGE initiative etc… which has made the masses aware of the social evils present around them.
A section of the play also shows how, in many wars, journalists are taken under espionage and the government fails to provide them with an identity and how a journalist remains a commoner.
The play towards the end establishes the fact that how media is mainly a utility item. It is the fourth pillar of democracy.Media is just a tool, which shows the ongoings of the society and its use or misuse is in the hands of the audience.

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